Sunday, April 18, 2010


Yesterday's storm did a number on my patio garden. Pretty sure the eggplant is toast, and some swiss chard and sweet basil aren't looking so hot either. We'll see what pulls through.

Time to cozy up with Madeleine L'Engle's Walking on Water. A most excellent book.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Brownies and Rain

There's a downpour going on. I love rainstorms. We ate lentil stew, homemade bread, and brownies (containing 8 eggs and 4 sticks of butter) for dinner.

I am thankful for Sam and Lilias. Sam is singing "Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer" to Lilias right now. Lilias loves Christmas songs, and often walks around our place saying to no one in particular "it's so hard to wait for Christmas." (Always with her head cocked to the side.)

I am reminded today of how desperately we need to remember our own stories. How the Israelites frequently forgot their own history, and how this got them again and again into trouble...the same is true for me. It is a constant temptation to rewrite our own stories. I need Ebeneezers sunk deep into the ground.

Friday, April 16, 2010

It was a grey cloud kinda day. Which prompting some writing, chai making, guitar playing, fluting, and harmonica piddling. Not a bad exchange. Now for some wine and maybe brownies. Blue skies ahead.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lil's Favorite Song

"Silent Night, Holy Night,
AAAAAALLLLLL is Caaaaaaaaaalm,
Round the oven, mother 'n' child
so tender 'n' mild."


I am considering attempting to perhaps be consistent about blogging. Before announcing this to anyone, I thought I'd try to make a few posts.