Saturday, April 17, 2010

Brownies and Rain

There's a downpour going on. I love rainstorms. We ate lentil stew, homemade bread, and brownies (containing 8 eggs and 4 sticks of butter) for dinner.

I am thankful for Sam and Lilias. Sam is singing "Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer" to Lilias right now. Lilias loves Christmas songs, and often walks around our place saying to no one in particular "it's so hard to wait for Christmas." (Always with her head cocked to the side.)

I am reminded today of how desperately we need to remember our own stories. How the Israelites frequently forgot their own history, and how this got them again and again into trouble...the same is true for me. It is a constant temptation to rewrite our own stories. I need Ebeneezers sunk deep into the ground.

1 comment:

Dee Anne said...

OH that's a good message. I so often forget. Everything. Reminders are good. I love you, sis.