Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Grapes of Wrath...

...is a bit of a downer. But so very good.

I hosted a play group this morning, and L was in a grumpy mode. She kept saying, "Go Home!" We need to work on some hospitality skills.

Tomorrow I have a morning with nothing on the agenda. Will we go to the library? Play outside? Putter about at home? I love days with open possibilities. They give my soul room to stretch out.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm still figuring out my new hairstyle. I was discussing this with Sam a few days ago, after a day where I felt my hair was especially "teacherish." Sam said something like this:

"Well, I really like your new haircut. But you have to be careful how you part it. You don't want to part it like a TV evangelist."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Gourmet Today

Sam ordered Gourmet Today for Mother's Day from half.com, and I am loving it. It is a treasure trove of yumminess.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Good Week

I had a lovely time in Florida with my sweet niece Hazel Jane and my brother and sister in law. It was sorta like a retreat, as Dave and Katie worked during the day, and Hazel was a gem. I played guitar, read, journaled, watched "Once" and "High Fidelity." Great flicks. Then the evenings were full of fun conversation with Dave and Katie and joining Katie in the 30 day Shred workout. It was a kick.

It was good to be there, and good to come home. Lilias took about a day and a half to wind down from all the fun at her Gran's house. We've had more fun picking mulberries, playing in the rain, and hanging out the laundry. She's actually becoming pretty helpful. I love how she announces very loudly whatever it is she is hanging out: "momma's panties" or "dada's boxers."

I'm hoping to become a little more orderly at home. I've realized that I'm highly motivated by crossing things off lists, so I've made a few months' worth of weekly household task lists. We'll see how I do.

Now it's time to read some Grapes of Wrath. Good night.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

2 quarts

I'm guessing we've picked well over two quarts of mulberries so far. This morning, Lilias and I walked over and picked our breakfast. The tree is in pretty bad shape, with many branches nearly touching the ground--which makes it perfect for an eager two year old. A homeless man walked by shortly after we started picking and we offered him a handful. He offered us some friendly mulberry tree related conversation. It struck me as odd that as a person with plenty to eat I am free to forage without anyone bothering me, whereas I'm guessing if the homeless man did the same, he would be run off. Perhaps not.

An acquaintance-friend of ours is working to start a yard sharing csa program in the poorest part of Waco. The basic idea (as I understand it) is that poor homeowners could farm their backyards with organic produce under the guidance of the World Hunger Farm and then sell produce at a farmer's market (in addition to eating it themselves) or have shares purchased for the produce like they do at our CSA.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Urban Foraging Season

My urban foraging season has officially begun. A mulberry tree down the street is ripe and apparently ignored by everyone else. Hurray! I already have a good bit of berries frozen. So exciting! I love mulberries! I love foraging! Hurray for usufruct!