Thursday, May 6, 2010

2 quarts

I'm guessing we've picked well over two quarts of mulberries so far. This morning, Lilias and I walked over and picked our breakfast. The tree is in pretty bad shape, with many branches nearly touching the ground--which makes it perfect for an eager two year old. A homeless man walked by shortly after we started picking and we offered him a handful. He offered us some friendly mulberry tree related conversation. It struck me as odd that as a person with plenty to eat I am free to forage without anyone bothering me, whereas I'm guessing if the homeless man did the same, he would be run off. Perhaps not.

An acquaintance-friend of ours is working to start a yard sharing csa program in the poorest part of Waco. The basic idea (as I understand it) is that poor homeowners could farm their backyards with organic produce under the guidance of the World Hunger Farm and then sell produce at a farmer's market (in addition to eating it themselves) or have shares purchased for the produce like they do at our CSA.

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