Friday, May 14, 2010

A Good Week

I had a lovely time in Florida with my sweet niece Hazel Jane and my brother and sister in law. It was sorta like a retreat, as Dave and Katie worked during the day, and Hazel was a gem. I played guitar, read, journaled, watched "Once" and "High Fidelity." Great flicks. Then the evenings were full of fun conversation with Dave and Katie and joining Katie in the 30 day Shred workout. It was a kick.

It was good to be there, and good to come home. Lilias took about a day and a half to wind down from all the fun at her Gran's house. We've had more fun picking mulberries, playing in the rain, and hanging out the laundry. She's actually becoming pretty helpful. I love how she announces very loudly whatever it is she is hanging out: "momma's panties" or "dada's boxers."

I'm hoping to become a little more orderly at home. I've realized that I'm highly motivated by crossing things off lists, so I've made a few months' worth of weekly household task lists. We'll see how I do.

Now it's time to read some Grapes of Wrath. Good night.


Erika said...

"Once" is one of Nate's and my top picks list. Love it! Sounds like Hazel is getting lots of love from her family lately. Has Lilias met her yet?

greenpastamomma said...

Nope, the cousins have yet to meet. ; ( They won't get to size each other up until just after Christmas.